Friday, November 9, 2007

Best Writing Advice

TODAY'S Best Writing Advice comes from David Mamet, who says these are the three questions to ask yourself when writing a scene:

Who wants what from whom?
What happens if they don’t get it?
Why now?

I find they are good questions to ask yourself most any hour of the day, whether you are writing or not….


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, what that fine bit of writing advice you gleaned from a Charles Willeford novel?

Joe Boland said...

“…I know this much about writing. You have to write something….After you get enough pages done, you have something to read. If you can read it you can revise it. If you revise it enough times, you come up with something pretty good. All writing is like that; it couldn’t be any other way.”

from The Woman Chaser

Anonymous said...


Should get that in a frame over my desk.

It's strangely easy to forget.
